
These images are copywrite Wizards of the Coast (and MEE for LTR), and sourced via Scryfall. Neither Wizards of the Coast nor Scryfall are affiliated with nor endorse this page in any way.

For performance reasons, there is a delay between loading each packet. Please have patience and wait for the page to load fully. To improve image quality for a given packet, click the [+] next to the [HELP] button.

The twelth spell slot in the LTR packets have a 1% chance of The One Ring. Because it is so small, it is difficult to see when you reveal the odds.

Packet Base Colour(s)

The two cards in the bottom-right indicate the base colour(s) of the packet.

Land Allocation

The lands displayed show some unknown cards (represented by card backs). These will be determined by the colour combination of the combined packets, and will comprise of basics and/or a common dual (from MOM).

Where additional dual lands are included in mono packets (DMU), this reduces the number of unknown cards, which is why up to two/three cards are specified above.