Draftmancer files for drafting Jumpstart packets

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Draft on Draftmancer Draft the following file on Draftmancer. (Check numbers are correct.)

- Right click on a face card and then use mouse-wheel or down-arrow to scroll through variations available. One will be randomly given when selecting that packet. Set-based packets have a random rare indicated by a DFC substitute card in the variation view. When selecting a set-based packet, you will also receive a random rare/mythic.

- Beginner Box packets have a Thriving land instead of Uncharted Haven
- Clue packets reveal which variation before selecting (use ALT or right-click)
- Only one face card used for both variations of each colour of DMU packets
- Set-based packets have one basic replaced with a Thriving land (except DMU Territory).
- No information available as to which ONE packets get which colourless random rare/mythic options, so gave a reduced chance for those cards to be granted with any ONE packet.

Credits: None of the following companies have not endorsed this page in any way.
- All images are copywrite of Wizards of the Coast.
- The majority of images have been sourced from scryfall.
- Set icons are sourced from cardsrealm.
- Draftmancer is used to run the "draft".